Willie McRae... Games


We are playing the Inferno campaign, using a modified version of the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules.
You have twelve sessions to escpape from Hell.

Session 1

The Cast:

You awakened in The Dark Forest, and did battle with The First Keepers Of Hell.
Lucrazia attempted to deceive The Lion by playing dead, and she was helped to make her performance very convicing.
One by one, you were defeated by the beasts, ripped and voided, until you woke again on the shore of a glowing pool, where you met The Guide .
He led you through The Eternal Gate into a realm of endless grey, where the Indifferent Damned receive their punishment for failing to choose sides in the Divine War.
Andre met René The Musician.
Lucrazia met Marguerite The Weaver.
You all met Malaphar The Cruel and made a bargain with him to behead an Indifferent Angel by the name of Sariel in exchange for passage across the Acheronte.
You followed through on your bargain, and the spear strikes of Leonardo and spellcasting from Alessia were decisive in the battle.